Annual check-ups play an important role in monitoring and maintaining your cat’s health over the course of its life. These check-ups are also a great chance to talk to your vet about any concerns or questions you might have.
Our examinations are extremely thorough and include:
- Eye and ear examinations
- Rectal examination
- Dental examination
- Neurologic evaluation
- Cardiovascular evaluation
- Weight evaluation and nutrition counselling
- Coat and skin evaluation
- Abdominal palpation
- Urinary system evaluation
- Reproductive system evaluation
- Musculoskeletal evaluation
- Lung evaluation
- Behavioural counselling
Why do I need to bring my cat in for a yearly check-up?
Cats are very clever when it comes to concealing signs of illness or pain from their owners, so it’s quite possible that your cat will look perfectly healthy and happy until they become too unwell to keep up the act. When performed by an experienced veterinarian, annual check-ups can often result in the early diagnosis of health conditions, which can then be treated before they impact your cat’s quality of life. Early detection also often means a better prognosis, with an easier course of treatment, fewer medical expenses and a faster recovery.
Senior cats
For senior cats (that is, cats aged 7 and up) we recommend a check-up once every six months as illnesses are more common and develop faster in animals at this age. Learn more about the types of health conditions commonly found in older cats.
Other Related Services
For more information on related services, please visit the pages below.
Kitten Vet ServicesCat & Kitten VaccinationsCat & Kitten DesexingCat & Kitten Dental Care