Pet Parasite Control Services | Vets in Cranbourne

Humans and their pets have happily coexisted for thousands of years but living closely with pets means having to deal with some not so welcome parasites. Parasite control is a crucial part of maintaining your pet’s (and your own) health and there are several common parasites in the Casey area which can cause serious health conditions if left untreated.

Below you will find our recommendations for protecting your cat or dog from common parasites in the Casey area. Of course, it’s best to talk with your vet about parasite control to find a solution that is tailored to your pet’s unique needs.


Intestinal worms

  • Puppies: Until the puppy is 12 weeks old, intestinal worm treatments need to be given once every 2 weeks. For puppies between 12 weeks and 6 months old, monthly treatments are required.
  • Dogs: Adult dogs (over six months old) only need to be treated for intestinal worms once every three months.

Flea control

Bravecto is a 3 monthly chew or 6 monthly topical which conveniently prevents both fleas and ticks. Topical control solutions are also a convenient and simple flea control solution. We recommend the Advantage range.


Although it isn’t common in the Casey area, heartworm can seriously impact your dog’s health so we recommend an annual heartworm prevention injection.


The 3 monthly Bravecto chew we recommend for flea prevention also protects your dog from the paralysis tick and can be used in conjunction with other parasite treatment systems including Advocate and Sentinel.


Intestinal worms

  • Kittens: Until the kitten reaches 12 weeks, it needs to be given an intestinal worm treatment every two weeks. Between 12 weeks and 6 months, the treatment needs to be administered once a month.
  • Cats: Adult cats (aged over 6 months) should be treated for intestinal worms once every three months.
  • Cat owners using Advocate topical treatments: Advocate topical treatments protect your cat from most types of intestinal worm. They only need to be given a tapeworm treatment once every three months.
  • Indoor cats: Intestinal worm treatments may not need to be administered as frequently to indoor cats eating a commercial diet. Discuss this with your vet.


We advise using Felpreva, a topical flea preventative for cats and kittens that is applied every three months.


We don’t recommend heartworm treatment for cats in the Casey area as it is generally not necessary. However, it is important to double check this with your vet.


We advise using Felpreva for paralysis tick prevention.

Pet Care

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  • If we surveyed pet owners about potential allergy symptoms in dogs and cats, most would list signs such as recurrent ear infections, generalised itchiness, paw licking, or tummy upset.
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  • Whilst most owners understand the impact of their pet's oral health on their general health and quality of life, many may still need clarification on the practical ways to achieve excellent pet dental hygiene.
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